Thursday, December 11, 2008

Who am I?

I am finally entering the world of blogging! I am amazed myself to be honest, I've never really bought into the whole blogging experience, yet here I am. So anyway.. Who am I? Well that's a good question! I'm glad you asked! I am a 24 year old wife to an amazing man whom I do not deserve as he loves me in a way that one could only imagine (and trust me, I can be hard to love!!). My husband is my hero as well a United States soldier. I confess that I do not like the time he spends away from home on deployments, however, as an Army wife, I accept my duty and realize that this is the price I must pay for the freedom of American people. You will never hear me complain that my husband is away from home. I married a soldier, what did I expect? I am a student who is fed up with college and ready to toss it all out the window. I mean seriously, I am pretty much just buying my degree as I am learning next to nothing. I am a friend to few, however those friends I do have are priceless and I could not imagine my life without them in it. The thing that most defines me is that I am a Princess. Yes, it's true. Okay.. not the type of princess you are picturing, yet I am the daughter of a King. I value my identity in Christ more than anything else in the world and can truly say that my God has saved me from a pit of destruction that would have led me straight to the flames of hell had he not rescued me from myself.

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