Friday, January 9, 2009

Joys of Education..

After talking with a good friend about our career options and education possibilities, I am more confused than ever. (thanks Holly..) I have no specific plans to work with the military as I want to work with children primarily, however I do not wish to close the door to working with the Federal government. My problem now is that I do not know which Master's program to enroll in!? The Masters in Counseling (LPC-licensed professional counselor) or the Masters in Clinical Social Work (LCSW). The federal government does not recognize LPC's and therefore hire LCSW for therapist positions. The LPC program is more "user-friendly" as it is closer to home, cost less and classes are held in the evening, so I'm leaning towards that one. I just don't want to spend all the money and find out that I should have gone the other route.

Oh.. the joys of education.

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